Hi and welcome to Searching for Spice
I’m Corina and this is where I share my passion for easy, delicious and healthy food. I love cooking, reading and writing about food and began Searching for Spice as a way of recording some of my favourite recipes.
I live with my husband and two children, Little Miss Spice aged 12 and Master Spice aged 10. They can be rather picky and so I am always looking for new ideas to encourage them to have a healthy balanced diet. We live in Walton on Thames, which is a small town just outside of London in the UK.

What type of recipes do I like to make?
Well, I love using spices and discovering new ones and that’s how the blog’s name came about. A lot of the recipes are inspired by dishes from around the world. Some of my favourite recipes are curries, stir fries and spicy salads. I love Indian, Mexican, North African, Thai and Chinese food.
Luckily, my children will eat spicy food as long as it's not too hot. Because of this many of my recipes include tips for how to adapt the recipe to suit different members of the family. Just because they are children, they shouldn't have to eat boring bland food!

Easy, quick and time-saving recipes
As a busy mum, I don’t have time to spend hours in the kitchen every day and the majority of the recipes are fairly easy to make and not too time-consuming. I do occasionally like to experiment with something outside of my comfort zone but those recipes are definitely the exception!

My Cook Once Eat Twice Philosophy
One way that I save time in the kitchen is by preparing meals where the leftovers are just as delicious to eat up the next day or to pop in the freezer for another time.
I used to run a successful monthly food blog linky based around this concept. Even though I don't run the linky any more I still love make-ahead recipes and batch cooking. You can find lots of inspiration on my Cook Once Eat Twice page.

Healthy Recipes
I would say that most of my recipes are healthy but I'm not a nutritionist. I just believe in eating a balanced diet that includes a mix of protein, carbohydrates and fats including lots of fruit and vegetables and limited processed foods. In case you are wondering, the nutritional information in my recipes is computer generated and a guideline only.
Featured in!
In 2023 some of my recipes were featured in the cookbook, The Social Kitchen. This book featured recipes from a number of social media foodies. Do check it out if you'd like to know more about it.
In 2024 some of my recipes have appeared in the Air Fryer Cookbook magazine too.
Affiliate Links
Some posts contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I have personally tried or that I know to be good through a trusted recommendation. If you click on any of these links it won't cost you any more but may earn me a small commission which helps to keep this blog running!

Work with Me
I am happy to work with Brands and PR companies so if you think we're a good fit then please do get in touch and check out my work with me page.
I can be contacted at: [email protected]
Keep in Touch
Thank you for visiting and do let me know if you make any of my recipes! There's nothing I like more than hearing that someone has tried and enjoyed one of my recipes.
If you'd like to connect you can find me @Searchingforspice on Instagram
on Tiktok @searchingforspice
on Twitter @Corinathecook
on Facebook
and on Pinterest
Nice to meet you too, dear Corina! I am off now exploring your blog! 🙂
Thank you Sophie! I'll be coming over to explore your blog a little more soon too.
Corina, in your Mexican chicken stew recipe, it calls for 30 cups of cilantro! That can’t be right, can it? Thx,
Corina Blum
That was definitely not right! Somehow the plugin I use to convert from grams to cups was playing up. I've sorted it out it now! Thanks for letting me know.
hi Corina
One of the best thing about blogging is meeting like minded friends. I have always enjoyed your blog and I know I have done it before but I wanted nominate you again for the Liebster award as you have a great and truly enjoyable blog!
Thank you so much Petra. I'll do my best to answer all the questions soon.
You have a lovely blog and I love reading it 🙂
Please add me to your blog.
Corina Blum
No problem. I've added you to my list.
Sinfully Tempting
So glad I stumbled across your blog! Wonderful recipes and photos! 🙂
Thank you.
Andrea Giang | Cooking with a Wallflower
Hi Corina! I wanted to let you know I nominated you and your blog for the versatile blogger award.
It's a way for bloggers to show appreciation to other bloggers =) Congratulations!
Thank you so much Andrea. It's always lovely to receive awards like this from other bloggers.
Andrea Giang | Cooking with a Wallflower
You're welcome!
Thank you so much - It's lovely to get the award again.
Thank you for stopping by my blog!
Love your blog! Glad you liked our blondies post. Try making them. They are so easy and very delicious. Thanks for checking us out.
Thank you for visiting too. I love blondies so I will definitely have another look at them.
Jack and Ruby
Hi Corina, thanks for visiting my new blog! I'm liking your recipes a lot....
Thank you so much for the visit.
I have nominated you for the following awards, The Liebster Award, Very Inspiring Blog Award, Best Moment Award, Sunshine Award & Versatile Blogger Award as I always find your blog a great read and inspiring!
Sorry for the delay in replying but thank you so much. I always appreciate your visits and comments.
Thanks for stopping by our blog. And yes, you should do a curry. I would love to see your recipe!
dedy oktavianus pardede
Hi corina,
nice to find out your blog!
Literrary, i'm a spice hunter too actually..
hi - can I subscribe to your posts? Also, how can I get a printer-friendly version of the recipes? thanks!
Hi Merrie, you can subscribe by email. Have a look in the sidebar on the right. I'm afraid I haven't added a printer friendly widget. It's something I'll have to think about adding in the future.
Big Hungry Gnomes
Hello Corina
Thanks for your lovely comment on my little blog. I just thought I would let you know that my blog has moved and is now bighungrygnomes.co.uk. Unfortunately, if you want to remain subscribed to my blog, you will have re-subscribe to this new address. I realise this is a little bit of a nuisance but I would really appreciate your continuing support and interest in my blog
Ann@Anncoo Journal
Hi Corina. Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Love your wonderful site with great recipes.
Will be back often 🙂
Vona Marie
I'll have to try some of these. My husband loves the sweets! great site Corina
Corina, great job on the blog, nice recipes.
Hi Corina,
Thanks for visitng my blog, I do hope you manage to find something to rustle up for the #oneingredient challenge!
Off to have a look at your recipes now....
Blog is great! Regards!
Ellen Rutledge Miller
Looks like a blog I will be interested in. I can never get enough recipes and am looking forward to trying yours!!
Ciao, thanks for visiting my blog!!! Love yours!
Have a nice day
Thanks for letting me know. Looking forward to having a look around it.
Hi, Corina - what a great blog, I look forward to having more of a look around. Bookmarked! Thanks for visiting mine, too!
Anna's Table
Corina, Thanks for visiting my blog, and giving me the opportunity to discouver all the wonderful dishes at your table. It's so easy to forget some of the recipes we've made over the years, blogging is a great way to document them. I look forward to following your future posts.
Hannah Pemberton
Hi Corina
As a fellow food blogger I couldnt agree more that having a blog is the perfect way of not forgetting your favourite recipes, I think its surprising how many dishes we cook that if we didnt write down we'd forget.
Looking forward to following your blog and seeing what you get up to in your kitchen!
Mrs P x
Belleau Kitchen
love the blog... so glad I found it!
Thanks. You've got some great things on your blog too.